Create a future

that you like.

Learn a sought-after profession  and kickstart your career in IT while

the demand for specialists in this field far exceeds the supply.

IT - the cornerstone of tomorrow

The demand for IT specialists is rapidly growing

and is set to continue increasing at an incredible pace.

В течение

5 лет

Профессии бухгалтер, нотариус, оператор, переводчик, официант, менеджер банка вымрут.


50 лет

На рынке РК появятся более 300 000 новых рабочих мест в сфере IT и ты забудешь что такое искать работу.

В течение

100 лет

Будет колоссальный голод на IT-специалистов. IT будет повсеместно во всех сферах нашей жизни.

Over the next

5 years

professions such as accountant, notary, operator, translator, waiter, and bank manager will gradually lose relevance

Over the next

50 years

the job market in Kazakhstan will witness the creation of over 300,000 new positions in the IT sector, making job hunting a thing of the past for you.

Over the next

100 years

there will be an unprecedented hunger for IT specialists. IT will permeate every facet of our lives.

Do not hesitate to switch careers now

Even if your current salary is higher than that of an entry-level IT professional

Let's figure this out, take a look:

1 000 $

that's what you make as an accountant, waiter, or bank manager, thinking that life is a success.

In 5 years

you will lose your job, replaced by automation. Sad, isn't it?


annual salary increases are common for IT specialists due to their high demand

Do you still hesitate?

It's not a question of whether automation will happen, but rather when.

They haven't reached your job yet.

It's not too late to become a sought-after IT specialist.

The future is already here. It's just not evenly distributed.

William Gibson

American science fiction writer

Who we are and why we do what we do?

Make IT - is an academy where we nurture the most in-demand professionals in the rapidly growing and evolving IT industry.

The authors and course experts are hands-on professionals, staying abreast of technology trends and advancements.

Our mission

Change and advance Kazakhstan's IT industry by developing the expertise of our students.

Our academy is a generator of in-demand IT specialists.

Our academy's graduates are the go-to specialists in the IT field, driving technological advancements across all sectors of the country.

We make sure our methodology is on point to deliver top-notch quality.

We consistently gather feedback from companies, pinpointing hiring and employee management challenges. This helps us update course content and make entering the profession even smoother.

We're constantly staying in the loop:

We're in close collaboration with professionals from the IT industry.

We maintain continuous contact and exchange experiences and knowledge with highly qualified specialists in our field to stay abreast of the latest developments.

We stay on top of IT trends.

We keep up with the newest tech trends and innovations in our field to ensure we're on the cutting edge, offering our students the best solutions and approaches

We educate using real-life cases and projects.

Students get hands-on with real cases, applying their knowledge to analyze and solve problems. Their work is evaluated by a panel of judges and experts, offering valuable experience and feedback.

Находимся в тесном сотрудничестве с людьми из IT индустрии

Поддерживаем постоянный контакт
и обмен опытом и знаниями с высококвалифицированными специалистами в нашей области, чтобы быть в курсе последних новостей.

Следим за тенденциями
в сфере IT

Следим за последними разработками, новыми технологиями и инновационными подходами в нашей области, чтобы быть в курсе и предложить нашим студентам лучшие решения и подходы.

Разбираем актуальные
кейсы и проекты

Студентам предоставляются реальные кейсы, которые они анализируют и решают, используя полученные знания. Работы оцениваются жюри и специалистами, что помогает студентам получить ценный опыт и обратную связь.

Become part of the IT expert community.

Gain the expertise needed to address high-demand challenges in the most thriving industry.

Learning through real-life cases from top IT companies

Putting acquired knowledge                         into practice

Engaging with industry professionals in real-time

Unique training programs crafted by seasoned experts

Hands-on involvement in solving real-world industry problems

Developing teamwork and problem-solving skills

We provide education in 3 key areas.

Product managers, business analysts, and project managers – the trailblazers creating products that have the power to change lives.

Product manager

Project manager

Business analyst

Senior Product manager

Product manager

Product Manager - the visionary who crafts and launches products designed to solve user pain points.

Course Mentor

Nikolayeva Olga

Worked as the Head of Product Business Development at Kcell and Lead Product Manager at Choco, DAR companies.

Average salary


from 800$


from 1200$


from 2000$

Over 1000 opportunities in the labor market 

Дата старта

15 июля

Длительность курса

6 месяцев

Start Date

To be determined

Course Duration

2,5 months

Project manager

Project manager - the specialist who ensures smooth communication with clients, fosters teamwork, and takes charge of improving product quality

Course Mentor

Azat Turarov

Head of IT Projects at Tengizchevroil. Worked on projects at Epam Systems. Accredited trainer (SPC) by Scaled Agile Inc. Founder of

Average salary


from 800$


from 1200$


from 2000$

Over 600 opportunities in the labor market 

Дата старта

10 мая

Длительность курса

2 месяца

Start date

To be determined

Course Duration

2,5 months

Business Analyst

Business Analyst - the individual who investigates, plans, and structures, helping optimize processes to ensure that the IT product aligns with the needs of both the business and users.

Course Mentor

Isakhanova Dana

Senior Business Analyst with 10+ years of experience. Specialized in implementing projects in the Retail, Oil & Gas, Recruiting, and Logistics sectors.

Average salary


from 700$


from 1200$


from 2000$

Over 150 opportunities in the labor market 

Дата старта

8 мая

Длительность курса

2 месяца

Start date

To be determined

Course Duration

2 months

Senior Product manager

The primary task of a Senior Product Manager is to shape the vision and development strategy of a product or product group. As a Senior, they lead a team of product managers (often not in a direct managerial capacity) with at least three years of experience in product management.

Course Mentor

Yerlan Kaysin

CPO Halyk Bank. СPO Aviata, Chocotravel, Ozon, BTS

Average salary


from  900$


from 1500$


from 2000$

Over 1000 opportunities in the labor market 

Дата старта

8 мая

Длительность курса

2 месяца

Start date

To be determined

Course duration

6 months

We provide expert job placement support

After completing the course, you'll be ready to ace interviews at any company and showcase yourself as an expert

1 шаг

Step 1

Earn your course completion certificate

Complete all assignments, collaborate with mentors, and receive your certification.

2 шаг

Step 2

Prepare for the job market

We assist you in crafting a standout resume and portfolio, guide you through interview preparation, and help you confidently showcase your skills.

3 шаг

3 step

Explore and evaluate job opportunities

Learn to effectively filter job listings, communicate with employers, and negotiate a competitive salary.


of our students work in big IT-companies:

Our students' salary progression

We consistently monitor the progress and development of our students, recognizing that high salaries reflect the growth of competencies and expertise resulting from strategic thinking.

Take the first step towards a new life.

Feeling uncertain about choosing a profession? Ask a question – we're here to help.

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© Make-it, 2023. All rights reserved.

LLC "Make IT (Мэйк ИТ)" BIN 220540011434

Kazakhstan, Almaty, Seifullin Street, Building 609.

+7 777 333 2280